Easter Nails

Hi everyone!  So something rather exciting happened, I got to be a guest blogger for Paper Thin Nails (amazing)! These are the seasonal nails I’ve been wanting to show you all and an edit of the post I did:

As its coming up to Easter I thought I would do some Easter inspired nails.  Nail art is still a bit of a challenge for me but I spent some extra time deciding what to feature on my nails and planned out the colour family.

Here is a selection (yes, I used a couple others too!) of the nail varnishes I used to create the look and is undoubtedly the most nail varnishes I have used in one manicure.  I also used hair pins as dotting tools and a piece of foil to blend some of the colours to get the right pastel shades.

Easter Nails Tools Nail Varnish

The little finger used a custom blend with H&M Dusty Rose as a base.  Please try to ignore the sad bow on Ciate lol, the bow came undone and I can’t re-tie it for the life of me – blame it on the nails! For the little chickie I used No.7 Nude, Claires *Black* for the eye and H&M *Coral Rose* for the chick’s beak.  *Dorian Grey* by Sally Hansen was used for the middle finger with white stripes.  The index finger used a custom blend with Barry M *Mint Green* as a base and a topcoat of W7 *Blue Glitter*.  The thumb nail is Sally Hansen *Model Behaviour* and H&M *Play it Coral*.

Without Flash

Without Flash

I learned that practice, patience and perseverance are the key ingredients when it comes to nail art.  I just hope that it pays off!

Easter Nails By Nail Luxxe

Wishing you all a lovely Easter.

Nail Luxxe xoxo

5 responses to “Easter Nails

  1. Pingback: NOTD – H&M *Play It Coral* Barry M *Nude* | Nail Luxxe·

  2. I got married on Easter Sunday and was really tempted to use the Illamasqua nail varnishes that look a bit like mini-eggs to go with ny Easter theme and also as my something blue! I love the glittery Barry M nail look!

    Nicki x

  3. Pingback: Easter Nails ’14 | Nail Luxxe·

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