Barry M White and Lychee

Hey everyone!

It’s Friday YAY! Well done for making it through the week lol.

Today I bring you my notd which have been done using purely Barry M! I used white (a recent purchase) and Lychee which I have used before to create this manicure  here.  I love Lychee and had been wanting to use it again pretty much ever since I used it.

Lychee BarryM

The only issue I have with it is the drying time, which delayed my decision.  But today it looked too pretty in my collection to pass it up, so it had to make it onto my nails 🙂

Barry M Lychee Nail Luxxe 2

Recently I’ve been looking at how I can combine trends, and I think I just about managed it with this.  If you follow me on Pinterest, you’ll see the pin that inspired me, I just inverted the colours.  I used Barry M White as the background colour and waited about two hours before attempting to do the art part of it.  As I mentioned in the White Nails Buffer Zone Review Post, there’s something about white nail varnish which makes it tricky to use – major bubbles, difficulty getting it even and drying time!  So I made sure that it was as dry as can be before the next part.

Then I used tape to block off the sections I wanted to remain white and filled in the exposed part with Barry M Lychee.  My tip for using tape in a manicure is to to remove the tape while it’s still wet.

Lychee Barry M White Nails Nail Luxxe

Click to enlarge

I’m fond of this manicure.  It’s quite versatile, you could sub it with a ton of colours.  I’m thinking neons would look amazing against the offset of the white.

26 responses to “Barry M White and Lychee

  1. Love the design. It kind of gives the almond nail vibe without having to shape your nails. I agree, it would look awesome with neon.

    • Yeah, having recently changed back from oval, its nice to capture some of the shape without the hassle of actually doing it! Will have to give the neons a go

  2. This is really cute. Did you use scotch tape or painters tape? I’ve been a big fan of the tape thing for awhile now since I’m so terrible with painting nail art with my non-dominant hand. I have to say, I usually prefer to wait for the tape to dry before I remove it, but I guess whatever works for you. I think it’s just because when it’s wet sometimes it’ll pull up a bit of the polish that I just painted sometimes if I don’t do it suppppper slow. Nice post. 🙂

    • I used regular tape. Which one do you use? I do need to purchase painters tape (I’ve said this a couple times already lol but you reminded me that I REALLY have to get some!)…I found that whilst it was wet it avoided that sticky stringy that happens as you pull it off, but then again that could just be with this particular nail varnish because its a bit thick.

  3. Pingback: Lychee & White Nails | Nail Luxxe·

  4. Pingback: Lilac Nails with Rose Glitter | Nail Luxxe·

  5. Pingback: Nail Polish Alternatives to Gel Nails | Nail Luxxe·

  6. Pingback: Triangle Tipped Nails | Nail Luxxe·

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